Friday, October 11, 2013

Debt & Freedom

We are entering a new phase of the U.S. economy, one where our unsustainable debt load must be addressed, without blowing out the fire that fuels our economy. Entrepreneurs. Innovators. World-class support teams and engaged staff. The products that the rest of the world needs and loves. And the freedom that allows all of this to be done.

The truth is that most of us, without even knowing it, are enslaved financially, making others rich, instead of protecting our assets and providing for our own future. This is not done out of stupidity. It happens because the system is set up to steer you that way. There is a better, and legal, but under-publicized plan. You will not learn how to survive and thrive these tough economic times on TV, or in ads, or (for most of us) from your parents, or at school. If you are getting your strategies from television, from the debt collector (or bank) or from gurus, chances are very high that you have been burned.

It is the plain truth that people who have employed my strategies are protected and earning top gains, while most Americans have watched their assets binge and purge on the Bubble Economy plan over the last 14 years. My 2013 Company of the Year has already paid off 90 percent. Bonds, as I warned, have already started to lose money. And there is an easy way to protect yourself from the current crisis. You just need the information.

It is not more time or money. In fact, it is far less worry and losses because when you build a great money house, it can withstand the storms, providing you a safe haven, while also producing a great yield and harvest.

Yesterday, I hosted Dr. Lawrence Yun, the chief economist of the National Association of Realtors, asking his wisdom on how the government shutdown is going to impact real estate. Next week, I will also be hosting a subscriber teleconference on D-Day (Oct. 17, 2013), the day that the U.S. will default on its bills if the Debt Ceiling is not raised. If you need the call-in or listen-back instructions, please email or call 310-430-2397. These calls are worth far more than watching the news 24/7. Instead of worrying about what is to come, protect yourself from the inevitable. We owe the money. We have to pay the piper.

Whether you are rolling in dough or struggling to save your home, financial literacy and wisdom is the key to your future. And that is why I remain committed to bringing this to you.

Have a fun weekend.

And let the truth set you free.

#DebtCeiling #GovernmentShutdown #NataliePace #economy #stocks #Dow #realestate #money #Savings #retirement #bonds #Baidu

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daily Money Tips

Daily Money Tips

For Daily Money Tips, ongoing market news and feedback from friends, please be sure to join our Facebook page. Link is directly below!!/pages/Natalie-Pace/416616285568?ref=nf

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last minute gift buying?

Last minute gift buying? Amazon will guarantee 12.24.09 delivery if you order within the next 6 hours. Here's an $11 gift that was a top 10 Bestseller on Black Friday. Give the gift of financial wisdom.

Readers call You Vs. Wall Street, "A must read financial Bible." TD AMERITRADE Chairman
Joe Moglia and Nobel Prize winning economist Dr. ...Gary Becker endorse
the book.

Save more, spend less and get the gift to your sacred
friends, beloved and family in time for Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Should Elin Nordegren Stay for the Dough?

Should Elin Nordegren Stay for the Dough? By Natalie Pace.

Dear Natalie:

Like Elin, I thought I married a Tiger, but I ended up with a Cheetah (cheater). Is this a deal breaker, or should we stay for the money?

Dear Cheetah Lover:

It’s sobering and sad to experience such a deep level of betrayal, as both you and Elin have endured. However, my guess is that there were clues all along that you were always dealing with a Cheetah, not a Tiger. So, this wake-up call is a blessing and an opportunity to right some very serious wrongs sooner rather than later.

Most of the free advice lavished on Elin these days focuses on money, and that is very short-sighted. No amount of money can heal a screwed up marriage and the at-risk kids that kind of life creates. Golf club weapons, car accidents, “sexting” on the sly, et al. is the opposite of what kids should see their parents doing.

Sanctuary Home.
A home is where the soul is nourished or polluted. Betrayal is toxic. The primary question for Elin (and you) to answer is, “Can I create and thrive in my home as a sanctuary?” And more importantly, “Can my children learn to become healthy, loving partners in this home?”

Parents are role models and nurturers. In order to do their job right, the two must immerse themselves in an abundance of trust and loyalty, with a healthy dose of humor. In short, their union must be sacred – above all other allegiances. Not at the sacrifice of his/her own individuality – but as a compliment and foundation for each partner’s own greatness.

Pleasure seekers do not make great sacred companions. Discord, deceit, lies, cheating and violence are horrible examples for children. (Duh!) You pay the price of an ugly relationship glued together with “money,” in abuse (physical, verbal, emotional or monetary), ridicule, underlying and chronic unhappiness, addiction and violence – and these become what the children know as normal and will go on to replicate in their own lives as adults.

From the outside, it’s hard to know how many of these very serious and tragic circumstances Elin endures (or you endure), but the statistics are not good. The children of “pleasure seekers” -- who seek to fill up their free time with drugs/alcohol/sex – too often end up as addicts, too. Children who witness violence/discord/mayhem/struggle/deceit/lies in the home go on to create that for themselves as adults.

Elin’s primary job (and your job) is to break the cycle of addiction and violence – if not for herself, then for her children. She should not “stay” for the money. She should create a sanctuary home immediately for her children, away from the seeds of discord. Her Cheetah may promise to become a Tiger again, and even take radical steps to renew the sacred union. But addicts are commonly trapped in a never-ending cycle of addiction and bad behavior, followed by remorse and regret. Neither Elin nor you should fall for promises of change. By his actions, over an extended period of time, you will know him. And in the meantime, the relationship cannot be rebuilt upon such a damaged foundation.

Get out immediately, which is the only way healing can begin (for both the Cheetah and the Cheated On). Not necessarily divorce immediately, but separate now, so that if the union is renewed, it is rebuilt upon a strong and sacred foundation. Go to your mother’s is you have, too (like they used to in the olden days).

Elin can and should get enough money to provide for herself and her children, regardless of whether she stays married or divorces, and the same goes with you, too! Focus on the sanctuary home and thriving, while at the same time making sure that you protect the lives and livelihood of the kids. Cheetahs are dangerous to have in the home, and the fiscal fallout of their risky behavior can be far more expensive -- in time, money, postponed happiness and bailouts for messed up teens -- than any pay day can afford.

About Natalie Pace:
Natalie Pace, is the author of You Vs. Wall Street and host of the Modern Girl’s Guide to Sex, Love and Money radio show on! Follow her on, and For more information please visit,


Monday, November 16, 2009

Ask Natalie: Should I Start a 401(k)?

Dear Natalie:

I’m 54 and don’t have any retirement plan… I just started a new job and my employer is offering me a 401k auto deduction of 3% before taxes beginning May 1, if I choose. How do I know if this is the best choice for my money to invest? I have no current investments or retirement accounts......... am 54 years old and need to make some wise safe investment decisions........ Can you please advise?

Signed Better Late Than Never?

Dear Better Late Than Never!

Yes. Read my new book, You Vs. Wall Street, to learn all of the reasons why, but yes, to 401(k), yes to investing, and, yes, get started right away. Did you know that if you were 18 and you only earned $14 an hour, but put 10% into a 401k religiously, and never got a raise, you’d be a millionaire before you were 50? It’s best to start the investing habit early, but never too late to start doing the right thing! Here’s how it works.

Photo: Stacie Isabella Turk. (C) 2008 Stylist and Makeup: Arlene Hylton-Campbell.

The first year you would contribute $2,890 and your returns would be, on average, $347 (or 12%). The second year, you contribute another $2,890. Your new principal is $6,127. Your gains are $735. By the 6th year, you are making as much in gains as you are contributing each year. By the 10th year, you have over $50,000, and are earning $6,082 in gains that year. This is based upon an average annual return of 12% in stocks, which is what stocks have been doing most of this century. And even if you don’t get those kind of gains (keep reading because this is a consideration), you still have monthly 401(k) contributions going toward your Fund My Dream Life account, instead of poured down the drain of your spending habits.

Now, you might say, stocks are doing terribly and you’re afraid and everyone around you is telling you it’s the Apocalypse and the markets are going to continue to drop! Acckkk! But, you don’t have to lose the money you put in your 401(k). Most plans have a "safe" or at least safer allocation, such as Treasury bills, short-term government bonds or the money markets, which are not invested in the "stock market."

There have been many opportunities over the last ten years to make a lot of money in the stock market, without a lot of time or attention. You do need the "know how," however, which is why it’s important to read my book – because buying and holding mutual funds doesn’t work in a slow growth economy (which we’re in). The last ten years has seen a series of booms and busts, where you could have earned a lot of money if you were 1) properly diversified in ETFs (instead of mutual funds), 2) rebalancing once a year and capturing your gains, and 3) keeping at least a percent equal to your age safe. (If you just bought and held and checked off boxes blindly, you would have lost a little money.)

You need to learn how much to keep safe and how to properly diversify your holdings, so that you easily can see and capture gains each year. Don’t get scared, it’s as easy as a pie chart and that is outlined in my book also (page 91, I believe). For now, just start your 401(k) and put most or all of it in the safest place you can, such as Treasury Bills or a short-term government bond fund.

Get started in the habit of investing in a better life and then make it your job to start learning just four other important things.

1. Get educated so that your money can really gain while you sleep (no fuss, no fret, no babysitting). Reading my book is a great start. Coming to my retreat means that in three days, you’ll set up your retirement blueprint for life! Buy Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is anywhere that books are sold. Get more information on my next Get Rich and Green Retreat on the home page at There are only four seats remaining so if you’re interested, call 866.476.7442 right away to reserve your seat.

We have a special on the price now through May 15, 2009. Subscribers receive the Early Bird Pricing and a $2000 gift of a 12-month premium subscription. That way you get the 3-days of education and then ongoing support all year long, in the form of monthly ezine, mid-month update and quarterly teleconferences with me.

2. Ask your employer if they do a match! Many employers do. That’s an instant raise.

3. Figure out how to put 10%, not just 3%, into your retirement plan. If the 401(k) is capped at 3%, then go to an online discount brokerage and find out other tax-protected plans that you might qualify for, including IRAs (SEP, ROTH, traditional), health savings accounts, and more. Tithe to yourself and watch how your Buy My Own Island Plans grow quickly! 401ks, IRAs and health savings accounts all have tax advantages, and at least part of this is money that you would be paying Uncle Sam. So, it’s not more money being spent. It’s a check you write to yourself instead of the IRS at the end of the year.

4. Pick a better name. No one wants to start or grow a retirement account or 401k. Everyone wants to start and nourish his or her Buy My Own Dream House fund or the Send my Grandchildren to College account. Pick a goal of why you want to start earning money while you sleep, and what exactly you will do as you gain more assets! This will inspire you to keep contributing to the plan, maximizing the performance, adjusting as needed for greater gain and then reaping what you profit once you’re ready to purchase one more piece of your dream life!

About Natalie Pace:
Natalie Pace, is the author of You Vs. Wall Street, host of Naughty Girls' Guide to Sex, Love and Money on, and CEO of one of the most respected, independently owned financial news corporations in the U.S. She has been ranked as a #1 stock picker from and has partnered content with,, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and more. She has appeared on Fox News, Good Morning America, CNBC, Time Magazine, More Magazine, USA Today, NPR and national radio shows. For more information please visit,

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable however does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. Opinions constitute our judgment as of the date of this publication and are subject to change without notice. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. Securities, financial instruments or strategies mentioned herein may not be suitable for all investors.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear Natalie: My broker lost over half of my nest egg. That was literally hundreds of thousands of dollars -- more than the cost of my house in Venice, California. What happened and how can I resurrect my portfolio?

November 5, 2008

Dear Friend,

If you are over 25 and you lost more than 25% your nest egg was cracked to begin with.

The choices you were given were wrong.

You weren’t given any guidance.

Brokers were paid on commission to sell you things.

The more they sell you, the more cracked your nest egg is.

You should always keep a percentage equal to your age safe.

Stocks are not safe.

Stocks over the last ten years earned 4% gains per year with a lot of risk.

Treasury Bills earned 3.3% per year with almost no risk.

25 year-olds who employed my “recession-proof” strategy would have lost less than 20% in October 2008.

50 year-olds would have lost a maximum of 11%.

Bill and Nilo Bolden lost nothing at all using a pie chart that I drew up on a napkin for them.

I’ve achieved #1 ranking as a top stock picker.

I’m not a fuddy duddy. Your existing plan is.

You own stock in dying industries.

You don’t have to.

Your nest egg should grow during the boom periods of NASDAQ, real estate and clean energy.

Using your plan, you were dancing on the ceiling when it exploded and then devastated when it popped.

“What happened,” you wondered.

Using my plan, you would be enjoying those gains.

Green Goddess Club Member Kavi Ladnier

The Green Goddesses Investment Club earned almost 40% gains in their first trade ever in this crappy, down-trending market.

Your nest egg is on life support. The man with the plan is hiding under his desk, or shrugging, or making excuses or quit.

Watching your gains jump and then pop creates a lot of stress and stomach acid.

Sometimes it’s much worse than that.

Green Goddess Club Member Brianna Brown

There is a better way.

Most people don’t know about it because the old way pays high commissions and is familiar.

You think you don’t have a choice.

You can’t understand why your certified financial professional didn’t do a better job for you.

The new way is far better and is very easy.

Green Goddess Investment Club founders Cindy Ciscowski, Shelley Silver Whizin and Brianna Brown.

The guy who wrote the plan half a century ago won a Nobel Laureate in 1990.

Exchange Traded Funds have been around for more than a decade.

So have I.

I’m a #1 stock picker.

Google, Myspace, Taser International, Sohu. com, Suntech Power Holdings, Rio Tino – I found them first.

I warned to trim Fannie Mae out of your nest egg in 2003.

I warned to get General Motors out of your mutual fund holdings in 2004 (when I said to buy Google at the IPO).

I told you the housing bubble would pop in 2005 and to avoid REITs.

Lehman Brothers was issued a warning on my June 2006 stock report card in BOLD CAPS.

Bear Stearns was so bad, it didn’t make the grade to be included on the stock report card.

You can play it safe and be an owner in corporations that are making great products that we all adore.

You can get rich and enrich the world at the same time.

Here’s how the strategy of Modern Portfolio Theory (plus ETFs) works:


Invest in emerging products, energy and technology, not dying industries

Invest in wisdom, not the old way of doing things

Diversify and rebalance with a wealth blueprint that is appropriate to your age, instead
of blind faith, buy and hold whatever my broker says

Know what you own instead of holding a big basket of everything, including companies
you despise

It’s easier than you think, faster than you can imagine and more effective than any other strategy on Wall Street for Main Street investors…

We can take a trillion dollars out of oil and find a cleaner way to power our world – overnight.

We can take $130 billion dollars out of cigarette companies and run marathons to lower our blood pressure and improve our health.

We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

We don’t need handouts or bailouts. We are the fabric of the can-do spirit.

We invent whatever we can imagine and continuously beautify our world.

We are the most generous nation on the planet.

We are one of the most free nations on the planet.

We can create a more peaceful, beautiful world that works better for everyone.

Please order my book Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is now to learn how to resurrect and nourish your nest egg back to health.

Go to BarnesandNoble. com, Amazon. com, Borders. com, Overstock. com or your favorite bookselling website now to pre-order my book.

Consider coming to my November 20-22, 2008 Get Rich and Enrich Retreat.

(Get more information on the home page at NataliePace. com and sign up NOW at the JOIN NOW link at NataliePace. com.

) The retreat includes a free 21-day coaching call series and also a free one-year premium subscription, so that you receive ongoing support all year long.

You watched your nest egg binge and purge twice now in the last eight years.

When you have a healthy plan, you can eat a little dessert and still look great naked. (This metaphor applies to your nest egg as well. Think about it.


Your old plan didn’t work. Twice. (DOT COM bust happened first.


Stocks paid 4%/year over the last ten years, not 12%/year.

Please order my book Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is now to learn how to take ownership of a cleaner, greener, more beautiful world (and get rich while you’re at it)

You currently own a lot of companies that you despise.

You are losing money while you close your eyes and hook your future on blind faith (which hasn’t worked so well for you in the past and won’t work in the future).

Get smart, get rich and enrich our world.

Put Your Money Where Your Heart by Natalie Pace is available for pre-order now at your favorite online bookseller (Amazon. com, BarnesandNoble. com, Borders. com, Overstock. com, etc.).

There is no better time than now.

You can learn more about how to “Resurrect Your Nest Egg” in the November 2008 ezine, volume 5, issue 11, at NataliePace. com.

Sign up for 30 days free at the Join Now link to check it out.

Come to my 3-day retreat November 20-22, 2008 and you will implement these strategies into your own nest egg right then and there.

Sign up now at the JOIN NOW link at NataliePace. com.

With a new plan, all you need to do is rebalance twice a year.

Easy, really. If you commit to learning and taking control of your own life and ownership in our world.

A good strategy will create a better world for you and your family and for the world as well.

More whining will get you nowhere.

Thank you for your time.

Please pass this email onto a dozen friends who need to hear this.

Yours in peace and prosperity (yes, you can have it all),

Natalie Pace
Author of Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is
#1 stock picker
founder and CEO, NataliePace.

www. NataliePace.

Box 1350
Santa Monica, CA 90406-1350


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ask Natalie: Are the Money Markets Safe Now?

Ask Natalie: Are the Money Markets Safe Now?

So, I happen to be in the over 50 category. Last spring after reading the book The Trillion Dollar Meltdown (which PublicAffairs will be bringing out soon in paperback, renamed The Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown), I decided to move some of my IRA money that was invested in one of those age-appropriate retirement mutual funds (so, supposedly, they are watching how the portfolio should be balanced) into a money market fund. I told my banker-son that I was going to do this, and he told me not to do it. But I did it anyway. A money market fund still didn’t feel really safe, but it seemed like the best answer under the circumstances. But I still have other money in that retirement mutual fund… Now I guess we’ll see if the money in the money market fund is the extent of my retirement funds.

The website for the company that runs my money market fund says that they are going to take/accept the new “insurance” for money market funds, and that the insurance will only last for 3-4 months. Had you heard that?

Hmmm... Treasury Bills are safer than the money markets these days — if you can make the move now, I’d do it. Much better to avoid potential losses than to have to file a claim. There are Treasury Bill ETFs available. Try PLW, the PowerShares Laddered Treasury ETF. You can also check out,, to see what other Treasury Bill options are available.

With regard to the rest of your mutual funds. Check out the pie charts in the article, "Bill and Nilo Bolden’s Very Healthy Nest Egg (and How You Can Have One, Too!)," from the October 2008 ezine, vol. 5, iss. 10, at

Investing in mutual funds means that you don’t really get the benefit of having the diversification across those industries, sizes and styles. Doing that kind of investing and meeting with a CFP twice a year means that you would always be protected from boom/bust cycles because you would be taking profits and redistributing them (called rebalancing). In that scenario, you are able to buy low and sell high into funds, without too much trouble.

For instance, if you had 6.25% in small caps — 12.5% total because you have small cap value and small cap growth — prior to 2000, when you met with your CFP in January 2000, you would have seen that your small caps (NASDAQ DOT COM STOCKS) had swollen to become 50% of your portfolio. You could have sold some of those funds (for a great gain!), redeployed the money across your blueprint (keeping % equal to age safe and the rest diversified by industry, size and style), and you would have been VERY protected from the DOT COM BUST. You would also have been buying LOW into the Dow Jones Blue Chip stocks (the large caps) because those would have shrunk a bit. (Incidentally, the Dow performed MUCH BETTER than NASDAQ 2000-2002). So this kind of diversification really works great, especially combined with two meetings a year with your CFP to rebalance, redistribute and make sure that you are aligned with your Buy My Own Island investment blue print.

Essentially, you are the architect of your dreams and the CFP is the builder. My book, fortunately, helps the average person be a better architect. There is a new trend in brokers where they are paid on money under management (even at some of the discount brokerages), which is more in line with the best interests of the investor — but this was NOT the case in the past, when brokers were paid on commissions for the mutual funds they sold. The trend is just beginning so it is vital that investors know how to protect and grow their own nest egg — AND how to pick a great certified financial life partner. You can get tips for this in the “How To Find a Broker” article, under the Investor Edu section of

Now, in the “have a little faith department,” there are two points. One: The markets return on average over 11% per year, including bear markets, recession and the depression. So, provided you don’t have to retire tomorrow, your portfolio could still recover. It will recover more quickly if you have diversified investments, and particularly, if you include clean energy in your portfolio. Clean energy (solar, wind, electric cars, etc.) was the top performing industry in 2007, earning almost 60 cents on the dollar — almost double the returns of oil!!!

Roger and I are working on a way to get more of this information to your team. So, keep asking questions because they may well form the basis of a great Q&A that benefits everyone around you.

Unfortunately, not all of the old school mutual fund companies offer the new targeted funds — like ETFs do, so it may require having HR take a serious look at what the options are, and perhaps consider a new company with fund options that allow people to diversify better.