Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear Natalie: My broker lost over half of my nest egg. That was literally hundreds of thousands of dollars -- more than the cost of my house in Venice, California. What happened and how can I resurrect my portfolio?

November 5, 2008

Dear Friend,

If you are over 25 and you lost more than 25% your nest egg was cracked to begin with.

The choices you were given were wrong.

You weren’t given any guidance.

Brokers were paid on commission to sell you things.

The more they sell you, the more cracked your nest egg is.

You should always keep a percentage equal to your age safe.

Stocks are not safe.

Stocks over the last ten years earned 4% gains per year with a lot of risk.

Treasury Bills earned 3.3% per year with almost no risk.

25 year-olds who employed my “recession-proof” strategy would have lost less than 20% in October 2008.

50 year-olds would have lost a maximum of 11%.

Bill and Nilo Bolden lost nothing at all using a pie chart that I drew up on a napkin for them.

I’ve achieved #1 ranking as a top stock picker.

I’m not a fuddy duddy. Your existing plan is.

You own stock in dying industries.

You don’t have to.

Your nest egg should grow during the boom periods of NASDAQ, real estate and clean energy.

Using your plan, you were dancing on the ceiling when it exploded and then devastated when it popped.

“What happened,” you wondered.

Using my plan, you would be enjoying those gains.

Green Goddess Club Member Kavi Ladnier

The Green Goddesses Investment Club earned almost 40% gains in their first trade ever in this crappy, down-trending market.

Your nest egg is on life support. The man with the plan is hiding under his desk, or shrugging, or making excuses or quit.

Watching your gains jump and then pop creates a lot of stress and stomach acid.

Sometimes it’s much worse than that.

Green Goddess Club Member Brianna Brown

There is a better way.

Most people don’t know about it because the old way pays high commissions and is familiar.

You think you don’t have a choice.

You can’t understand why your certified financial professional didn’t do a better job for you.

The new way is far better and is very easy.

Green Goddess Investment Club founders Cindy Ciscowski, Shelley Silver Whizin and Brianna Brown.

The guy who wrote the plan half a century ago won a Nobel Laureate in 1990.

Exchange Traded Funds have been around for more than a decade.

So have I.

I’m a #1 stock picker.

Google, Myspace, Taser International, Sohu. com, Suntech Power Holdings, Rio Tino – I found them first.

I warned to trim Fannie Mae out of your nest egg in 2003.

I warned to get General Motors out of your mutual fund holdings in 2004 (when I said to buy Google at the IPO).

I told you the housing bubble would pop in 2005 and to avoid REITs.

Lehman Brothers was issued a warning on my June 2006 stock report card in BOLD CAPS.

Bear Stearns was so bad, it didn’t make the grade to be included on the stock report card.

You can play it safe and be an owner in corporations that are making great products that we all adore.

You can get rich and enrich the world at the same time.

Here’s how the strategy of Modern Portfolio Theory (plus ETFs) works:


Invest in emerging products, energy and technology, not dying industries

Invest in wisdom, not the old way of doing things

Diversify and rebalance with a wealth blueprint that is appropriate to your age, instead
of blind faith, buy and hold whatever my broker says

Know what you own instead of holding a big basket of everything, including companies
you despise

It’s easier than you think, faster than you can imagine and more effective than any other strategy on Wall Street for Main Street investors…

We can take a trillion dollars out of oil and find a cleaner way to power our world – overnight.

We can take $130 billion dollars out of cigarette companies and run marathons to lower our blood pressure and improve our health.

We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

We don’t need handouts or bailouts. We are the fabric of the can-do spirit.

We invent whatever we can imagine and continuously beautify our world.

We are the most generous nation on the planet.

We are one of the most free nations on the planet.

We can create a more peaceful, beautiful world that works better for everyone.

Please order my book Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is now to learn how to resurrect and nourish your nest egg back to health.

Go to BarnesandNoble. com, Amazon. com, Borders. com, Overstock. com or your favorite bookselling website now to pre-order my book.

Consider coming to my November 20-22, 2008 Get Rich and Enrich Retreat.

(Get more information on the home page at NataliePace. com and sign up NOW at the JOIN NOW link at NataliePace. com.

) The retreat includes a free 21-day coaching call series and also a free one-year premium subscription, so that you receive ongoing support all year long.

You watched your nest egg binge and purge twice now in the last eight years.

When you have a healthy plan, you can eat a little dessert and still look great naked. (This metaphor applies to your nest egg as well. Think about it.


Your old plan didn’t work. Twice. (DOT COM bust happened first.


Stocks paid 4%/year over the last ten years, not 12%/year.

Please order my book Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is now to learn how to take ownership of a cleaner, greener, more beautiful world (and get rich while you’re at it)

You currently own a lot of companies that you despise.

You are losing money while you close your eyes and hook your future on blind faith (which hasn’t worked so well for you in the past and won’t work in the future).

Get smart, get rich and enrich our world.

Put Your Money Where Your Heart by Natalie Pace is available for pre-order now at your favorite online bookseller (Amazon. com, BarnesandNoble. com, Borders. com, Overstock. com, etc.).

There is no better time than now.

You can learn more about how to “Resurrect Your Nest Egg” in the November 2008 ezine, volume 5, issue 11, at NataliePace. com.

Sign up for 30 days free at the Join Now link to check it out.

Come to my 3-day retreat November 20-22, 2008 and you will implement these strategies into your own nest egg right then and there.

Sign up now at the JOIN NOW link at NataliePace. com.

With a new plan, all you need to do is rebalance twice a year.

Easy, really. If you commit to learning and taking control of your own life and ownership in our world.

A good strategy will create a better world for you and your family and for the world as well.

More whining will get you nowhere.

Thank you for your time.

Please pass this email onto a dozen friends who need to hear this.

Yours in peace and prosperity (yes, you can have it all),

Natalie Pace
Author of Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is
#1 stock picker
founder and CEO, NataliePace.

www. NataliePace.

Box 1350
Santa Monica, CA 90406-1350